
At Grefsenkollen restaurant

Wardrobe with showers, toilets, drinking water.

10 persons

NOK 2500 members, NOK 2875 non-members*

*2 hours for private sauna

Find available time and order:

Welcome to a sauna with a magnificent view!

Welcome to our new sauna at Grefsenkollen!
The sauna is open from Wednesday to Sunday, and has room for 10 people. It is located next to the restaurant, at the top of Grefsenkollen, with a fantastic view of the city and the fjord. The sauna has large windows. Inside the sauna you sit facing the view.

At Grefsenkollen we offer large changing facilities with hot showers and toilets, plus a spectacular outdoor shower.

Remember swimwear, two towels, drinking bottle and, I you want, flip-flops.

The sauna is accessible on foot , bicycle, bus and car. The nearest parking space is ideally located close to the restaurant.

If you want to rent the sauna privately, you will have it for two hours, including changing time. A membership, which gives you a discount on both single tickets and private sauna, can easily be bought here on our website. (This must be done before ordering if you want the discount.)

(NB: The pictures show the sauna standing in a different location)