At Hvervenbukta
Shower and drinking water. Toilet.
10 persons
NOK 2500 for members. NOK 2875 for non-members*
*2 hours for private sauna
Welcome to the mobile sauna at Hvervenbukta
Welcome to the sauna where the true icebathing takes place!
The sauna is located in the front garden of the “Anne på landet” café at Hvervenbukta. The sauna is accessible by bus, car, bicycle or on foot.
The sauna is situated on the seaside by an idyllic beach, where a refreshing swim awaits. Inside the sauna, the seating is in placed in a semicircle, so that sauna-goers face each other. This makes for great atmosphere and pleasant get-togethers.
Remember to bring swimwear, two towels, a drinking bottle for water, and water shoes (optional). Toilets and shower are situated immediately outside. You rent the sauna privately for two hours, including changing time. The price is NOK 2000 for members, and NOK 2300 for non-members. Membership can be purchased on this website (purchase before booking to have discount apply).
The café at Hvervenbukta sells food and drinks. Website:
Welcome to our lovely, green mobile sauna at Hvervenbukta!